
Species Distribution Models for Phylogeography
June, 2015 at the Evolution meetings in Guaruja, Brazil.
Here's the video of the workshop and here you can access all the supporting documents.
Predictive Phylogeography and Random Forest
June 2018 at the Society of Systematic Biologists, in Columbus OH, USA
Click here to access all the resources.
June, 2015 at the Evolution meetings in Guaruja, Brazil.
Here's the video of the workshop and here you can access all the supporting documents.
Predictive Phylogeography and Random Forest
June 2018 at the Society of Systematic Biologists, in Columbus OH, USA
Click here to access all the resources.
International Panels

Anahí was nominated and elected to become an expert for the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), managed by the United Nations. Along with a group of worldwide experts, we worked on writing the first IPBES assessment, which treats on Pollination, Pollinators and Pollination Services. Here you can access the Assessment and learn more about IPBES.
Anahí is also expert in pollination, pollinators and food production within the UNDP-managed Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net). The Network represents a centralized way to “promote dialogue around the same thematic areas in which IPBES assessments are being conducted, as well as in key areas of UNDP’s work on biodiversity and ecosystems management for development and provide interactive features for the members of the network to interact on specific policy questions”.
Diversity in Science

In the same way that we know that biological communities are more resilient (are prettier) when there is a lot of diversity, we think that human groups are also more resilient, stronger, and more enriching when they are diverse. Our lab is a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive place for all members of society, independently of their race, religion, ethnicity, or gender.
To help increase diversity in Academia, we have been and continue to be involved in Women in Science activities, Mentorship Programs, and the promotion of professional development of women and minorities.
To help increase diversity in Academia, we have been and continue to be involved in Women in Science activities, Mentorship Programs, and the promotion of professional development of women and minorities.